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25-Year-Old Anderson Howard Dies in Rowlett

DM Corridor in County Jail with inmate and deputy

Twenty-five-year-old Anderson Howard’s date of death was October 9, 2020. It was the same day he was arrested by the Rowlett Police Department in Rowlett, Texas, Dallas County. A custodial death report was released that reflected many details surrounding the young man’s arrest but provides no specifics regarding his death, though drugs were involved in the arrest.

One of the requirements of Texas county jails is that they formulate a written plan for inmate rehabilitation programs. The following are the types of testing and counseling programs that inmates can voluntarily participate in, per guidelines provided by the Texas Commission on Jail Standards (TCJS):

  • Drug abuse or alcohol problems
  • Job placement
  • Family problems personal psychiatric or psychological problems
  • Vocational rehabilitation
  • Rehabilitation Programs

Studies show that putting the responsibility of handling individuals with drug problems on the jail system is not particularly effective. Yet, 1 of every 5 people jailed are serving time for an offense related to drugs. It is rare that addicted individuals can simply “stop using.” Drug rehab is looked upon far more favorably than placing a drug-addicted person in jail, but only 11% of jailed individuals with drug problems receive addiction treatment.

Withdrawal deaths occur in jails all too frequently, but the jail environment is generally ineffective as far as encouraging sobriety.

See this continuing series for more information.

This website offers posts designed to assist current and former inmates in Texas county jails. There is never an intention to denote misdeeds on the part of persons or institutions.

–Guest Contributor

Written By: author avatar smchugh
author avatar smchugh