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27 Inmates Die in ‘22 and 4 Died in January ’23 in a County Jail-Pt.7

DM County Jail 1

Is Overcrowding a Factor in Inmate Deaths?

The jail in question has recently moved nearly 1,000 inmates to other facilities due to a lack of space. The average amount of time an inmate spends in the jail is approximately six times longer than the national average, at 200 days in jail.

A criminology expert weighed in on how overcrowding affects prison and jail conditions. Research shows that the mental health of inmates is negatively affected in overcrowded conditions. Depression rates and hostility levels toward fellow inmates are higher.

Reductions in poor mental health are associated with higher proportions of inmates on work assignments, but the proportion drops with overcrowding. Lack of access to television is also shown to increase hostility. As a result of these things alone, more detainees are victimized and exposure to violence increases.

The development of mental health problems in jail is a concern because there is a negative impact that becomes evident after release.

There is no doubt that overcrowding is a condition that should be eliminated as much as possible. It isn’t necessarily best to rush to expensive options such as building more jail facilities. Instead, environmental adjustments could be made to relieve the pressures of overcrowding. For instance, increasing opportunities for recreation could be of benefit. Another possibility is to find ways of offering more work assignments and readjusting work priorities. Of course, funding is always an issue that must be figured in.

Learn more in Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, and this ongoing series.

Out of a desire to provide helpful resources to Texas municipal and county jail inmates, this website was created. There is never an intention of insinuating that anyone or any organization has been a participant in wrongdoing.

–Guest Contributor

Written By: author avatar smchugh
author avatar smchugh