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6th Known Feb. 2022 Custodial Death Occurs in a TX County Jail-Pt4

3d interior Jail

Daniel Ray Monroy committed suicide at age 29 on February 10, 2022, at Grayson County Jail. The address of Grayson County Jail is 200 S. Crockett Street, Sherman, TX 75090. Mr. Monroy used a mattress cover to hang himself.

February 2022 Texas County Jail Custodial Deaths Continued

Daniel Maldonado

Daniel Maldonado was in the medical infirmary at Bexar County Jail when he died at age 31 on February 15, 2022. He was booked into the jail on January 10, 2022. The address of Bexar County Jail is 200 N. Comal in San Antonio, TX 78207. When Mr. Maldonado was discovered in distress the morning of his death, a Code Blue was called for him and measures to save his life began immediately. He was transported to a hospital, where a physician pronounced him dead.

Robert John Barela

On February 23, 2022, Robert John Barela committed suicide while detained in the El Paso County Jail. The address of the El Paso County Jail is 601 E. Overland Street in El Paso, TX 79901. The means of death, as shown in the custodial death report (CDR) is hanging, strangulation. Mr. Barela was booked into the El Paso jail on February 10, 2022, at 6:56 AM. The CDR states that he didn’t make any suicidal statements or exhibit any mental or medical health problems.

See Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3 of this continuing series.

Implicating individuals or institutions in acts of wrongdoing is never intended on this website. The purpose of the posts on this site is to help inmates in Texas now or formerly incarcerated in a county jail.

–Guest Contributor

Written By: author avatar smchugh
author avatar smchugh