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A 21-Year-Old Inmate at Cherokee County Jail Dies-Pt. 3

DM Jail Corridor
Inside The Old Idaho State Penitentiary

After Cherokee County Jail inmate Aiydasani Mahogany Bryant collapsed on February 21, 2023, in a medical cell from what appeared to be a medical issue, officers attempted to get her off the floor. Once she stood up, Ms. Bryant collapsed again. Officers sat her up and contacted emergency medical services.

Leon County Jail is Noncompliant Regarding the Classification of Inmates

In a jail inspection report issued on July 12, 2022, Leon County Jail was cited for noncompliance with three minimum jail standards, one of them being the classification of inmates. This violation and the one below for Llano County Jail demonstrate one of the problems that can occur when classification isn’t handled correctly.

Rule §271.1(6) states that female inmates are to be separated from male inmates by sight and sound. When under direct visual and proximate supervision males and females may simultaneously participate in program and work activities.

  • A complaint about overcrowding was being investigated and it was discovered that Leon County housed females in areas E and F, which were in close proximity to male inmates.

Llano County Jail is Cited for Noncompliance on December 19, 2022

  • During the investigation of a complaint, Llano County Jail was found in violation of Rule §271.1(6). A male and female inmate were allowed in-person visits without direct, visual, and proximate supervision. These visits were intended to improve inmate behavior and not as participation in work or program activities.

Learn more in Part 1 and Part 2 of this ongoing series.

Helping Texas jail detainees and their families with resources is one of the purposes of this website. There is no intention of suggesting that people or organizations have been involved in misdeeds.

–Guest Contributor

Written By: author avatar smchugh
author avatar smchugh