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A 23-Year-Old Dies by Suicide in Matagorda County Jail – Part 4

After Detainee Reyes Vargas was cut down from the sheet he used to hang himself in his single cell in Matagorda County Jail in Bay City, Texas, and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) was initiated, an ambulance was called. Mr. Vargas was transported to a local hospital with CPR still in progress. At the hospital, lifesaving efforts continued but were unsuccessful. Twenty-three-year-old Reyes Vargas was pronounced deceased at 4:56 p.m. on August 26, 2023. The Texas Rangers were contacted, and they are investigating the custodial suicide.

Matagorda County Jail is Cited for a Violation Related to Suicide Prevention Training

After a May 6, 2020, jail inspection, a report was released citing the jail for the violation of two minimum jail standards. One of the areas of noncompliance was part of the jail’s mental disabilities/suicide prevention plan. Under Rule §273.5(a)(1), county and municipal jails in Texas are to make provisions for staff training on procedures for recognizing, supervising, documenting, and handling detainees who are mentally disabled or potentially suicidal. Staff members given the responsibility of intake screening must have supplemental training, as well. 

Inspector Jennifer Shumake with the Texas Commission on Jail Standards conducted the inspection and made the following note with regard to noncompliance with Rule §273.5(a)(1):

  • The administration was unable to provide training rosters or training certificates to show that suicide prevention training was conducted according to the jail’s approved operational plan.

Learn more in Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3 of this ongoing series.

One goal of this website is to provide county and municipal jail detainees in Texas with information that could be of benefit to them. There is never an intention on this site to make implications against institutions or individuals.

–Guest Contributor

Written By: author image smchugh
author image smchugh