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A 32-Yr-Old San Jacinto County, TX, Inmate Commits Suicide-Pt. 3

After being booked into San Jacinto County Jail in Coldspring, Texas, on July 6, 2021, Tasha Lavergne was put on suicide watch. The 32-year-old was placed in holding cell that was equipped with a phone. Ms. Lavergne used the phone cord in a suicide attempt and died from her injuries on July 13, 2021.

Continuing this series with information from the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement, the following are warning signs and symptoms that an inmate is or may be suicidal, starting with the single best indicator of a person being suicidal:

  • The individual exhibits signs and symptoms of depression.
  • He or she talks about and perhaps threatens to commit suicide.
  • Expresses feelings of helplessness or hopelessness.
  • Experiences extreme sadness and crying.
  • Loses weight and/or his or her appetite.
  • Withdraws into silence.
  • Suddenly changes routine sleeping patterns.
  • Attitudes about the future are pessimistic.
  • Exhibits loss of interest in activities, people, or personal appearance.
  • Exhibits sudden changes in mood or behavior such as:
    • Begins to pack and/or gives away his or her belongings.
    • Relating to others becomes increasingly difficult.
    • Exhibits severe aggressiveness or agitation.
    • Is preoccupied with the past and does not deal with the present effectively.
    • Expresses or shows strong shame and/or guilt over offenses.
  • Talks unrealistically about getting out of jail.
  • He or she may behave very calmly after making the decision to commit suicide.

Learn more in Part 1 and Part 2 of this three-part series.

This website offers posts as helpful resources that could be of assistance to individuals now or previously incarcerated in a Texas county jail. It is not intended on this site to suggest that people or entities have been engaged in wrongdoing.

–Guest Contributor

Written By: author image smchugh
author image smchugh