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A 35-Year-Old Inmate Commits Suicide in Gaines County Jail

Various circumstances in Brian Keith Gandy’s life as he was incarcerated at Gaines County Jail in Seminole, Texas, resulted in his being placed on suicide watch. Tragically, however, shortly after the jail removed him from suicide watch, 35-year-old Gaines was discovered nonresponsive with a makeshift noose around his neck. He died the same day, which was April 21, 2021.

A major responsibility that jails have is to ensure the safety of inmates, and that includes attention and sensitivity regarding inmates known to be in a potentially suicidal state. The Texas Commission on Jail Standards provides a section on suicide prevention in the Texas codes that guide the operation of county jails in Texas.

An important element of preventing suicides in jails is properly classifying inmates. When they are booked, trained jail staff members look for signs that a prisoner may be at risk. That way, inmates can be properly classified and placed in the area of the jail most suitable for each of them.

Things can change in an inmate’s status. Reassessments are required at various intervals. This includes inmates that have been housed in administrative separation to protect their safety or the safety of others.

In the next segment of this continuing series, learn about some of the rules guiding the principles described above and details of a jail inspection report released in March 2021 in which a jail was cited for non-compliance.

In providing posts for this website, there is an intention to help inmates now or previously incarcerated in a Texas county jail. It is never intended on this site to infer misdeeds on the part of persons or entities.

–Guest Contributor

Written By: author avatar smchugh
author avatar smchugh