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A 35-Yr-Old’s Cause of Death in El Paso, Texas, County Jail is Unknown-Pt3

Eric Dominguez died at age 35 while in the custody of the El Paso County Jail in El Paso, Texas. He was seen slumped onto the floor in his cell on December 6th, 2021, and was taken to a nearby hospital. First aid was administered, but he was pronounced dead the same day.

Provisions for inmates with mental health problems and protection for suicidal and potentially suicidal inmates are provided as a direct result of conclusions made during intake procedures.  The Texas Commission on Jail Standards (TCJS) requires that the jail staff receive training on how to recognize, supervise, document, and handle prisoners who have mental disabilities and/or are possibly suicidal. Those who are responsible for conducting intake screening must also be provided with supplemental training.

If the intake screening personnel are not trained in these important matters, inmates’ lives could be seriously endangered. For instance, these high-risk inmates are supervised more frequently than the general population. As opposed to being observed in intervals not to exceed every 60 minutes, mentally disabled and potentially suicidal inmates have to be checked on every 30 minutes. 

In a jail inspection report dated December 7-9, 2021, a TCJS inspector cites the jail for noncompliance regarding the requirement alluded to above. Specifically, the inspector says the following with regard to RULE §273.5:

  • The county’s administration was unable to provide documentation indicating that all employees at the jail had been through the 2 hours of annual suicide prevention training. The training is detailed in the operational plan for addressing mental disabilities and suicide prevention.

Learn more in Part 1 and Part 2 of this three-part series.

Making an inference that wrongdoing has taken place on the part of persons or institutions is never intended on this website. Helping Texas inmates in county jails is the purpose this site’s posts.

–Guest Contributor 

Written By: author image smchugh
author image smchugh