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A 40-yr-old Jones County, Texas, Inmate Dies – Pt. 2

Armando Wayne Rubio had a history of asthma problems when he was incarcerated at Jones County Jail on June 7, 2021. A jailer inquired about Mr. Rubio’s health on August 2, 2021, and he said he wasn’t feeling well. He was transported to a hospital after receiving medical attention at the jail, and he died on August 3, 2021.

HB 1307

A new law takes effect in Texas jails on September 1, 2021, and it affects pregnant inmates. Lack of adequate medical care for women who are pregnant became the target of a recent study, and the results led to this new legislation. The new requirement addresses the care a pregnant woman behind bars is given if she has had a miscarriage or was sexually or otherwise physically assaulted.

The Texas Commission on Jail Standards (TCJS) requires that women in these circumstances are provided with medical care, and a gynecologist or obstetrician, as well as a mental health professional, must promptly be made aware of the health care services the woman has received. It will be determined by these professionals whether the woman who has had a miscarriage or been assaulted must be provided with gynecological and obstetrical services without delay.

General medical care inadequacies aren’t often detected during jail inspections, but there are some instances in which noncompliance with minimum jail standards is related to health care issues.

See Part 1 and learn more in this continuing series.

Assisting inmates in county jails in Texas is the purpose of posts on this website. There is never an intention to imply that persons or institutions have been involved in misdeeds.

–Guest Contributor

Written By: author image smchugh
author image smchugh