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A 41-Year-Old Detainee Dies in Dallas County Jail-Pt.3

The Dallas County Sheriff’s Department filed custodial death report number 23-1105-CJ with the Office of the Attorney General of Texas on August 25, 2023. The report pertains to the tragic death of Charles Korey Thomas, who was detained at Dallas County Jail from May 31, 2023, until the day he died, which was August 9, 2023. Mr. Thomas was pronounced deceased in the single cell where he was housed at 111 W. Commerce Street, Dallas TX 75207.

Clay County Jail is Allegedly Noncompliant with Minimum Jail Standards

In the jail inspection report dated August 10, 2023, Clay County Jail was cited for noncompliance with Rule §273.3-Health Instructions. Texas Commission on Jail Standards’ inspector’s notes state:

  • Medication was not administered as designated by a physician due to the provider running out with no backup pharmacy established to provide the required medications. The missed medication error rate is that out of 30 entries, there were 76 errors equaling a 25.3% compliance rate for medication not distributed.

Clay County Jail was also found noncompliant in 2019. In a special jail inspection report, the jail was cited for violation of Rule §275.1-Regular Observation by Jailers. This rule is especially important because supervision is a big part of suicide prevention, and this is an area where the jail did not meet minimum jail standards.

Learn more in Part 1 and Part 2 of this series.

Providing resources helpful to Texas inmates detained in county and municipal jails is one of the purposes of this website. There is never an intention of insinuating that persons or organizations have been participants in wrongdoing.

–Guest Contributor

Written By: author image smchugh
author image smchugh