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A 45-Yr-Old Woman Dies in Custody of Travis County Jail

DM County Jail

On February 26, 2021, Susan Dee Reddick died at age 45 in the custody of  Travis County Jail in Austin, Texas. She had been transported to a nearby hospital, where she underwent multiple surgeries. The medical examiner determined that the manner of death was accidental. 

In another incident of the death of an inmate in a county jail, a man’s family began a fight for strengthened standards for the treatment of detoxification in jails. They made claims that the medical care their loved one received was grossly inadequate. About a month before his death, the young man had participated in a nine-day rapid opioid regimen for detoxification. The state was petitioned for drug withdrawal reform in county jails.

In still another county jail, a young man suffered withdrawal symptoms during a visit with his grandfather. The inmate ultimately died during the detoxification process, and the family has been seeking answers. Records at the jail reflect that the young man had requested help to detox. He made six sick call requests after he was taken off of methadone in the detox regimen. The inmate stated in most of the requests that he was suffering severe pain. Another clue of the state of his health was that his handwriting on the inmate medical care requests was increasingly wobbly.

It is never an intention on this website to suggest that any individual or institution has been involved in wrongdoing of any sort. This site provides posts for the purpose of benefiting inmates currently or formerly held in Texas county jails.

–Guest Contributor

Written By: author avatar smchugh
author avatar smchugh