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A 50-Year-Old Inmate is Found Dead at Ochiltree County Jail in Perryton, Texas-Pt4

DM Inside a jail cell

The custodial death report (CDR) for Billy Joe Spann indicates that he both appeared intoxicated and exhibited medical problems when he was booked into Ochiltree County Jail in Perryton, Texas, on the last day of April 2022. He was found deceased in his cell on May 19th, 2022, and EMS services do not appear to have been contacted. Mr. Spann was pronounced dead by a Justice of the Peace.

Who is Most at Risk for Sepsis?

The most common root causes of sepsis are bacterial infections. Individuals at risk for sepsis include those with weakened immune systems because of conditions such as:

  • Cancer,
  • HIV, or
  • Taking steroids or other drugs that prevent the body from rejecting transplanted organs.

In addition, the following circumstances and conditions increase a person’s susceptibility to developing sepsis:

  • Diabetic
  • Pregnant
  • Very young
  • Elderly, particularly when they have other health problems.
  • Recently had major surgeries or were otherwise hospitalized
  • Use breathing tubes or catheters

Treatment for Sepsis

In most cases, persons who have been diagnosed with sepsis will be treated in the intensive care unit (ICU) of a hospital. Medical professionals will work to stop the infection, prevent organs from shutting down, and manage blood pressure. Patients treated for sepsis are usually given Ivy fluids and extra oxygen.

Learn more in Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3 of this continuing series.

Providing beneficial resources to prisoners now or previously detained in county jails in Texas is the purpose of the posts on this website. There is never an intention of implicating individuals or organizations and acts of wrongdoing.

–Guest Contributor

Written By: author avatar smchugh
author avatar smchugh