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A 53-Year-Old Inmate at the Dallas County Jail Dies-Pt.4

When he was going through booking at Dallas County Jail, Willie Florence Love, Jr. reportedly made no suicidal statements. It was “unknown” whether he appeared intoxicated, and, yes, he exhibited health problems. He was at the Dallas, Texas, jail from December 28, 2022, until the day of his death, February 22, 2023. “Unknown” was the answer to the question asking whether he received any treatment for the condition he died of. If it is unknown, that may raise questions since he exhibited medical problems during intake.

An Inmate with Mental Health Problems Dies at Cameron County Jail

A custodial death is the worst outcome when a mentally ill inmate enters a county jail, especially when it involves suicide. Johnny Gutierrez, age 39, was admitted into Cameron County Jail at 954 E. Harrison in Brownsville, TX 78520 on January 8, 2023. He was placed in a single cell, even though isolation is arguably the worst thing when a person has mental health issues.

The only indication of what happened in the summary of how the January 27, 2023, death happened began just the day before. He was discovered on Thursday, January 26, hanging by his neck. He had fashioned the mattress cover into a ligature. Lifesaving measures began and he was transferred to Valley Baptist Medical Center in Brownsville, Texas. It was there that he was pronounced deceased.

Learn more in Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3 of this continuing series.

This website aims to provide resources helpful to Texas inmates detained in county and municipal jails. There is never an intention of insinuating that persons or organizations have been participants in wrongdoing.

–Guest Contributor

Written By: author avatar smchugh
author avatar smchugh