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A 55-Year-Old Dies in El Paso County Jail 7/24/22-Pt.4

3d interior Jail

At age 55, Bennie Ray Bell died in the custody of El Paso County Jail on July 24, 2022. He had been incarcerated since March 6, 2022, per the custodial death report (CDR). On the day of his death at 5:20 PM, officers conducting a security check noted that he looked ill. He was ultimately transported to a hospital, where he was pronounced deceased at 6:22 PM.

Eric Dominguez dies at age 35 in El Paso County Jail

On November 28, 2021, Eric Dominguez was booked into El Paso County Jail at 601 E. Overland St. in El Paso, Texas. Eight days later, at about 7:58 PM, Mr. Dominguez fell to the floor when medications were being dispensed. He received a medical evaluation and treatment afterward and then was returned to his cell.

At 10:08 PM, Mr. Dominguez was observed in his single cell slumped over near the door. A jailer tried to get a response by calling his name and knocking on the window. He then entered the cell and found that Mr. Dominguez had no vital signs. An A.E.D. was deployed and other life-saving measures were taken. Mr. Dominguez was never revived and on December 6, 2021, was pronounced deceased at a nearby hospital 50 minutes after the jailer first saw him slumped over.

An amended custodial death report shows that Mr. Dominguez died of natural causes. The medical cause was “gastrointestinal bleeding due to peptic ulcer of stomach.”

Learn more in Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3 of this continuing series.

Providing helpful resources for county and city jail inmates in Texas is the purpose of this website. Making implications of wrongdoing against people or entities is never intended on this site.

–Guest Contributor

Written By: author avatar smchugh
author avatar smchugh