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A 57-Year-Old Inmate at Tarrant County Jail Dies-Pt.4

DM County Jail 1

On February 15, 2023, MedStar ambulance went to Tarrant County Jail and transported inmate George William Zink by ambulance to John Peter Smith Hospital. At about 9:18 PM that same day, Dr. H. Campbell pronounced Mr. Zink deceased.

Reducing the Suicide Rate in Texas Jails

In 2016, it was reported that changes to the suicide prevention strategy led to a 60% decrease in custodial suicides. Reducing the suicide rate in Texas jails, apparently, meant revising the mental health screening tool that was used when inmates go through booking.

In the five years ending 2014, the average number of inmate suicides was 23, according to the Texas Commission on Jail Standards. From December 2014 through November 2015, 34 inmates in county jails committed suicide. This number dropped to 14.

Sandra Bland Dies in Waller County Jail

In the same report, it mentions that 2015 was the year that Sandra Bland had a confrontation with a Department of Public Safety trooper in Waller County and died in Waller County Jail three days later. This drew the attention of the nation and the world and brought scrutiny from lawmakers. Activists got involved, as well, making demands about how jails identify and respond to mental health issues.

See Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3 of this ongoing series for more information.

Our purpose in posting resources is to help Texas inmates who have been incarcerated in local county and municipal jails in the state. There is never an intention of implicating a person or entity in connection with wrongdoing.

–Guest Contributor

Written By: author avatar smchugh
author avatar smchugh