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A 60-Yr-Old Lubbock County Jail Inmate Dies for Reasons Unknown-Pt4

Sweet Dagza was 60 years old when she died on June 23, 2021, 17 days after being booked into Lubbock County Sheriff’s Office in Lubbock, Texas. According to the custodial death report regarding Ms. Dagza, the manner of death could not be determined and the medical cause of death is unknown.

Stories about inmates with diabetes were the subject of an exposè published in 2020. The issue of law enforcement discrimination against people with diabetes was brought before the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) in 1989 in a landmark case. It is also a current topic of concern. In one example case outside of Texas, a woman was being detained by law enforcement officers and informed them that she had insulin in her purse. It was nearby, but she was kept away from the important supplies for approximately a half-hour. Fortunately, she had access to her diabetes treatment supplies before suffering long-term effects.

In another case outside of Texas, a man unnecessarily spent two days in the ICU because information about diabetes was ignored by police officers. Rather than provide the insulin the man needed, he was injected with ketamine, a powerful sedative. The officers had failed to recognize that the man had low blood sugar and was experiencing a diabetes-related seizure. This was after the man’s girlfriend specifically told them about the man’s need for insulin.

Also see Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3 of this series.

There is never an intention on this website to suggest that persons or entities have participated in misdeeds. Posts are added to benefits inmates now or formerly housed in Texas county jails.

–Guest Contributor 

Written By: author avatar smchugh
author avatar smchugh