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A Bexar County Jail Inmate’s February 2022 Death Marks the 9th-Pt 2

DM County Jail 1

Daniel Maldonado was an inmate at Bexar County Jail in San Antonio, Texas, from January 10, 2022, until his death on February 15, 2022. He died at age 31 for unknown reasons, pending autopsy results. He was in the hospital/infirmary at the jail at the time of his death.

In a jail inspection report for Bexar County Jail dated February 19-22, 2019, the Texas Commission on Jail Standards (TCJS) cited the jail for nine areas of noncompliance.

Bexar County Fails to Comply with 9 Minimum Jail Standards

Bexar County is Noncompliant with Rule §273.5(a)(5)-Mental Disabilities/Suicide Prevention Plan Continued

On the area of non-compliance mentioned in the previous installment of this series, the following are the notes provided by the TCJS inspector:

Detention officers continually exceeded the 15-minute face-to-face observations required by TCJS per minimum jail standards.

Bexar County is Noncompliant with Rule §273.5(a)(1)

Rule §273.5 is part of the Mental Disabilities/Suicide Prevention Plan. Part (a) (1) requires jails to provide training so that jailers are equipped to recognize, supervise, document, and handle inmates who are at risk because they are potentially suicidal or mentally disabled.

No training records were provided to confirm that jailers serving as detention officers had received the required suicide prevention training as detailed in the operational plans approved by TCJS.

See Part 1 and this continuing series.

Making inferences regarding any persons or entities having engaged in wrongs is never intended on this website. The purpose of each post on this site is to provide information that could benefit Texas inmates now or previously incarcerated in a county jail in the state.

–Guest Contributor

Written By: author avatar smchugh
author avatar smchugh