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A Bexar County Jail, Texas, Inmate, Age 26, Dies – Pt. 3

In San Antonio, Texas, on July 17, 2021, 26-year-old Julius Ronnie Price died in the custody of Bexar County Jail. According to the Custodial Death Report, the jail was unaware of any pre-existing medical condition Mr. Price suffered from. Also from the report, it appears that his medical issue began on the same day he died.

Potential Dangers of Restraint Chairs

Studies show that when a person is placed in a restraint chair after some type of physical trauma, such as their struggle against being strapped into the device, health risks are increased. Potentially fatal blood clots or a pulmonary embolism can occur. The following are among the indications of the potential danger that have been stressed in restraint chair manufacturers’ instructions:

  • If the person who places another individual in a restraint chair has not read or does not understand the manufacturer’s instructions, death or serious injury can occur.
  • To prevent injury, leg irons and handcuffs must be removed as quickly as possible.
  • To ensure adequate blood flow, straps and belts may need to be loosened.
  • The maximum amount of time a person should remain in a restraint chair is two hours. Manufacturers allow for up to ten hours under certain conditions.
  • Caution: Violent behavior could mask threatening medical conditions. Continuous monitoring of detainees is essential.

Learn more in Part 1 and Part 2 of this series.

It is not intended on this website to denote that persons or institutions have been participants in misdeeds. Posts are added for the express purpose of assisting inmates in Texas now or previously housed in a county jail in the state.

–Guest Contributor

Written By: author avatar smchugh
author avatar smchugh