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A Denton County Inmate’s Death is Linked to Non-Compliance-Pt2

DM Inside a jail cell

Restraint chairs have been approved for use in Texas city and county jails by the Texas Commission on Jail Standards (TCJS). Numerous potential hazards are associated with using a restraint chair. The amount of time that a person remains in that chair must be limited, for instance. Especially if the inmate was exerting great physical force just prior to being immobilized in the chair, there is a significant risk that the inmate will develop a potentially deadly blood clot.

At certain intervals, inmates must be given the opportunity for a restroom break, they must be offered food and drink, and they must move their extremities.

When an inmate is strapped into a restraint chair, jailers must observe that inmate in intervals not to exceed every 15 minutes. During that face-to-face observation, the jail personnel must ensure that the inmates’ extremities have not had their blood circulation cut off from them. Jail inspection reports posted for public access due to alleged noncompliance often show breaches in the supervision of the inmates. As dangerous as restraint chairs are, the lack of observation of inmates in Texas jails is frequently associated with restraint chairs. The following is a recent example.

Jail Inspection Report for Smith County Jail March 22-24, 2022

“RULE §273.6-Restraints” contains the minimum jail requirement regarding the supervision of inmates held in a restraint chair or any type of restraint. Smith County Jail in Tyler, Texas, was allegedly non-compliant, per a jail inspection report dated March 22-24, 2022.

Learn more in Part 1. Also, in this continuing series, learn what the TCJS inspector reported in connection with restraint chair observations at Smith County Jail in the above-mentioned report. Other instances of non-compliance in connection with face-to-face observations in Texas jails will also be included.

It is hoped that inmates detained in city and county jails can find the information they need on this website. There is never an intention of making accusations against people or institutions on this site.

–Guest Contributor

Written By: author avatar smchugh
author avatar smchugh