A Detainee at Garza County Jail Dies on 7/12/23-Pt.2

The Garza County Sheriff’s Office filed a custodial death report about 51-year-old John David Snell on September 19, 2023. Mr. Snell went through intake on June 20, 2023, at Garza County Jail in Post, Texas. He was found unresponsive in his cell on June 24, 2023, and was transported by ambulance to a local hospital. He was there until July 12, 2023, which was the day he was pronounced deceased. His cause of death is unknown, but it also indicates that he died of a preexisting condition.
A Second Detainee Dies in Garza County Jail Within 2 Months Continued
Continuing with details about events surrounding the death of the 47-year-old at Garza County Jail, after arriving at the University Medical Center (UMC) in Lubbock, Texas, he was admitted to the hospital for further evaluation. During his stay, the detainee received multiple blood tests and transfusions. He was diagnosed with leukemia. After the diagnosis, his health began to rapidly deteriorate. He was then assigned to the Medical Intensive Care Unit (MICU) for continued care at UMC.
During this time, the detainee was placed on High Flow Oxygen at 100 percent. On September 14, 2023, the detainee began refusing medical treatment, at which point his condition deteriorated more rapidly. At approximately 7:15 p.m., medical staff reduced the oxygen flow to the detainee at his request.
Learn more in Part 1 and this continuing series.
One purpose of this website is to provide helpful resources for detainees in Texas county and city jails. There is never an intention on this site of suggesting that any person or entity has been involved in wrongdoing.
–Guest Contributor