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A Female Kleberg County Jail Texas Inmate Dies at Age 32 on 4/1/22-Pt 3

DM Inside a jail cell

The custodial death report (CDR) about 32-year-old Cynthia Garcia shows that she appeared to be intoxicated on drugs or alcohol at the time of booking, and she also exhibited signs of medical problems. She died on April 1, 2022, after having been housed in a padded cell in Kleberg County Jail in Kingsville, Texas.

Kleberg County Jail is Cited by TCJS for Noncompliance

In a custodial death report dated October 15, 2019, Kleberg County Jail in Kingsville, Texas, was cited for five alleged violations of minimum jail standards. An inspector with the Texas Commission on Jail Standards (TCJS) identified three areas in particular that can potentially have a direct effect on the safety of inmates. Those areas are inmate classification, screening procedures, and supervision through frequent observations of at-risk inmates. More details follow below and in this ongoing series

Non-compliance: RULE §271.1–Objective Classification Plan

Rule §271 .1(b)(2) is about classification procedures that must be conducted utilizing approved classification instruments. The initial custody assessment must be completed on all inmates as they are booked into a county jail and prior to making housing assignments. The purpose of the initial custody assessment is to determine custody levels.

The National Institute of Corrections (NIC) says that proper classification of inmates reduces escapes and escape attempts, suicide and suicide attempts, and inmate assaults.

Learn more in Part 1 and Part 2 of this continuing series.

It is not intended on this website to implicate any persons or entities in alleged acts of wrongdoing. Helping county jail inmates in Texas is the purpose of the posts added to this site.

–Guest Contributor

Written By: author avatar smchugh
author avatar smchugh