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A Jefferson County Jail Inmate Dies 14 Days After Arrival

3d interior Jail

Sixty-two-year-old Duane Audwin Durley was booked into Jefferson County Jail on October 29, 2022. He complained of pain and was moved to Baptist Hospital on November 10, 2022. While still in the custody of the jail, Mr. Durley died. The address of Jefferson County Jail is 3080 College Street in Beaumont, TX 77701.

A 37-Year-Old Jefferson County Jail Inmate Dies 1 Week After Arrival

On September 12, 2022, 37-year-old Derrick Richard Allen went through intake at Jefferson County Jail in Beaumont, Texas. At the time of booking, the jailer handling intake noted the following about Mr. Allen:

  • Yes, he appeared to be intoxicated by drugs or alcohol.
  • Yes, Mr. Allen exhibited mental health problems.
  • Yes, he exhibited medical problems.
  • No, Mr. Allen did not make suicidal statements.

Mr. Allen was placed in a single-occupancy cell. The following is information provided in the custodial death report (CDR) that the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office filed about his death:

  • At approximately 2:34 AM on September 18, 2022, Mr. Allen was discovered unresponsive in his single cell. Jailers realized that he was in medical distress, and emergency care was immediately provided by officers and medical staff. The jail called Emergency Medical Services  (EMS), and paramedics transported Mr. Allen by ambulance to the Emergency Room at Baptist Hospital. The following day, Mr. Allen died in the Emergency Room from cardiac arrest.

Learn more in this continuing series.

This website was created as a resource that can help Texas prisoners detained in local municipal and county jails. On this site, there is no intention of making allegations that institutions or persons have engaged in wrongdoing.

–Guest Contributor

Written By: author avatar smchugh
author avatar smchugh