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A Jefferson County Jail Inmate Dies 14 Days After Arrival-Pt.2

3d interior Jail

Ten days after the November 12, 2022, death of Jefferson County Correctional Facility inmate Duane Audwin Durley, the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office filed the custodial death report (CDR) about him. Mr. Durley had been incarcerated in the Beaumont, Texas, jail since October 29, 2022, when he died at age 62. His cause of death is currently unknown and pending the results of an autopsy. To correct the previous installment of this series, the address of Jefferson County Jail is 5030 Hwy 69 S, Beaumont TX 77705. The College Street address that was shown was that of the hospital where he died.

A Jefferson County Jail Inmate in Beaumont, Texas, Dies on 5/9/2021

Fifty-eight-year-old Anthony Wayne Gray was incarcerated in Jefferson County Jail on April 13, 2021. During the booking process, the intake jailer noted that Mr. Gray exhibited both mental and medical health problems. He did not, however, appear to be intoxicated on drugs or alcohol, nor did he make suicidal statements.

The summary about Mr. Gray’s death in the CDR states that, due to pre-existing medical conditions, he was treated by the jail staff for difficulty breathing. He was sent to Baptist Hospital at 3080 College Street in Beaumont, Texas, on May 8, 2021, because of the deterioration of his condition.

Learn more in Part 1 and this continuing series.

The purpose of this website is to help local jail inmates in Texas by providing helpful information. Making insinuations that organizations or people have been participants in misdeeds is never an intention on this site.

–Guest Contributor

Written By: author avatar smchugh
author avatar smchugh