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A Jury Finds in Favor of a Fort Smith, Arkansas, Police Officer Accused of Using Excessive Force

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Fort Smith Arkansas Photo Labeled for reuse

On Wednesday, January 24, 2018, a jury in the U.S. District Court of Western Arkansas handed down a verdict favoring a Fort Smith Police Department officer, who had been sued for alleged use of excessive force during an arrest. The officer, who is retired for medical reasons, arrested a 44-year-old man on April 18, 2014. During the events that transpired in the “sally port” of the Sebastian County Detention Center, the man fell face-forward while still hand-cuffed, which broke teeth and caused jaw injuries. The deputy told jurors that he had lost his balance and fell at the same time as the man, but the deputy did not fall to the floor. Due to the man’s injuries, the deputy took him to Sparks Regional Medical Center for treatment. The medical staff reported that he was allegedly uncooperative and belligerent, and they refused to provide treatment, after several unsuccessful tries. The man was then returned to the detention center. Ultimately, the man sued above-referenced deputy as well as other officers who serve the city in supervisory positions. The court granted the jury’s unanimous judgment in favor of the defendants. The judge also said all parties are required to pay their respective attorneys’ fees and other costs.

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–Guest Contributor

Written By: author avatar smchugh
author avatar smchugh