A San Antonio Police Officer Shoots and Kills a Man Wielding a Knife

A police officer in San Antonio, Texas, shot and killed a man on April 20, 2017, after the man allegedly charged at him, wielding a knife. The police officer had been flagged down to help because a man and his girlfriend were fighting and the man pulled a knife. Witnesses told officers that the woman tried to take the weapon from the man. When police arrived, the man, who was still holding a knife, allegedly charged at a police officer. The officer first deployed his stun gun. This did not prove effective, and that’s when the officer said he resorted to the use of his firearm. Police Chief William McManus of the San Antonio Police Department said that it appears so far that the police officer didn’t do anything wrong and, in fact, followed procedure. The incident is being investigated, during which time the officer is on administrative duty.
There has been growing social unrest about police officers allegedly using more than the necessary force against citizens. It remains to be seen what will develop in this case. When family members, friends, and others in the community are of the opinion police officers killed someone wrongfully, outcries seem to put added pressure on police departments and courts to hold the officers responsible.
One example of such a case occurred in San Antonio in 2014, when Marquise Jones was shot and killed by an officer who was working an off-duty security job. Last month a vigil was held at the location of Jones’ death, in recognition of the third year anniversary. On April 6, 2017, a jury in a wrongful death suit ruled in favor of the police officer who shot Jones. The plaintiffs were alleging a cover-up.
In the incident, Jones was killed with a single bullet in the back. The officer alleges that Jones had a gun and was looking back at him as he ran away. There were numerous witnesses, and some versions contradicted what the police officer said happened. Jones was 23 years old and a new father when he was killed, and the family continues to grieve and fight for what they view as justice. It is their belief that Jones was a victim of unjust police violence.
–Guest Contributor