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A Texas Inmate Hangs Himself in Houston’s Harris County Jail-Pt 3

According to dates reflected on the custodial death report on 47-year-old Billy Wayne Dunn, he died five days after being booked into Harris County Jail. Mr. Dunn used a sheet to fashion a ligature and hanged himself. He was pronounced dead on September 23, 2021.

The aforementioned mnemonic device, SAD PERSoNS, follows, and it indicates who is most at risk for committing suicide, whether behind bars or not:

S – The sex of inmates is a determining factor in the level of risk for suicide, with 73% of suicides committed by white males.

A – The age group of 15 to 24-year-olds has the highest risk among males for suicide.

D – Death—suicide is the third leading caused of death for above-mentioned age group. Depression also heightens a person’s risk of suicide. Between 30% and 40% of all people who commit suicide had been diagnosed with depression.

P – Previous suicide attempts is another indicator of a person at risk.

E – Ethanol abuse and alcohol are risk factors.

R – Rational thought loss is something many people have in common when they are suicidal, such as persons with schizophrenia and/or depression.

S – Social support is lacking. When a person has gone through a divorce or has lost a member of their family, they are at heightened risk for suicide.

N – No spouse. Individuals who are single, separated, widowed, or divorced, they are suicide risks.

S – Sickness. People with chronic health problems are at an increased risk for suicide.

See Part 1 and Part 2 of this three-part series.

There is not an intention on this site to suggest that any person or institution has engaged in misdeeds. The posts on this website aim to help inmates now or formerly incarcerated in a county jail in Texas.

–Guest Contributor

Written By: author image smchugh
author image smchugh