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A Woman in a Borger, Texas, County Jail Uses a Bedsheet to Commit Suicide-Pt3

On May 24, 2022, 19 hours after she was found hanging from her neck by a bedsheet in Hutchinson County Jail, Miranda Louise Grayson was pronounced dead. It was noted on the custodial death report (CDR) that Ms. Grayson had made no suicidal statements nor had she exhibited mental health problems. The glaringly brief summary of her death prepared by the Hutchinson County Sheriff’s Department in Borger, Texas, provides no insights other than the fact that the bedsheet used to commit suicide was attached to an upper vent in her single cell.

The Texas Commission on Jail Standards (TCJS) requires close observation of inmates known to be mentally ill or potentially suicidal. During annual jail inspections, observation logs of face-to-face inmate checks are scrutinized. Handwritten documentation is compared to electronic records automatically produced by equipment that county Texas jails were required to install.

The following are details about a Texas county jail’s alleged noncompliance with inmate observation requirements purposed to prevent suicide and protect mentally ill inmates.

Denton County Jail is Cited for Alleged Non-Compliance with 5 Minimum Jail Standards

A jail inspection report dated March 8-10, 2022, details the results of an annual jail inspection during which Denton County Jail was found to be non-compliant with five minimum jail standards. The fifth standard listed was RULE §275.1–Regular Observation by Jailers.

See Part 1 and Part 2 and in this continuing series, learn more details about non-compliance in the Denton County Jail.

The goal of this website is to reach out to Texas city and county jail inmates. Helpful resources are provided, and there is never any intention of accusing persons or organizations of misconduct.

–Guest Contributor

Written By: author image smchugh
author image smchugh