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A Young County Jail, Texas, Inmate Dies by Suicide

DM Corridor in County Jail with inmate and deputy

Thirty-one-year-old Brandon Kyle Taylor was booked into Young County Jail on September 1, 2022. He was pronounced deceased on March 21, 2023, from an apparent suicide. The address of the jail is 315 N Cliff Drive, Graham, Texas, 76450. Young County Jail has a 144-bed capacity, and it is a medium-security facility for adults.

Young County Jail Fails a March 2021 Jail Inspection

The Texas Commission on Jail Standards (TCJS) conducted the annual inspection at Young County Jail on March 16, 2021. TCJS Inspector Michael Gravitt cited the jail for three violations of minimum jail standards. The first was in the chapter on the classification and separation of inmates–part three, training. The second was in the chapter on health services, and it addressed the handling of prescriptions.  The third was in the chapter on recreation and exercise and pertained to physical exercise.

Rule §271.3-Training

This rule states that all jail staff whose duties encompass classification will be provided with at least four hours of training on the principles, procedures, and instruments for making classification assessments, housing assignments, inmate needs, and reassessments.

  • Jail staff who are handling classification duties have not completed the required four hours of classification training.

When the classification process is performed early and continuously it helps to ensure a safe and secure facility. An example of what is required of the person handling intake is that they observe an individual’s behavior during the arrest and booking process. They should watch for insights into their mental state and their risk of safety to themselves or others. The classification procedure determines such things as how an inmate is managed and their eligibility for work. Classification helps to separate inmates who are at risk of being victimized by potential predators.

Learn more in this ongoing series.

With the continuing goal of helping Texas prisoners held in a local county or municipal jail, this website was created. There is no intention of making accusations against organizations or people on this site.

–Guest Contributor

Written By: author avatar smchugh
author avatar smchugh