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A Young County Jail, Texas, Inmate Dies by Suicide-Pt.3

When Brandon Kyle Taylor went through intake at Young County Jail on September 1, 2022, it was noted that he exhibited mental health problems. Whether he made suicidal statements, appeared intoxicated, or exhibited medical problems at that time, the jailer responsible for booking didn’t know because those questions are marked “Unknown.” The custodial death report (CDR) offers little else about Mr. Taylor or his stay in the jail.

Young County Jail Fails a March 2021 Jail Inspection Continued

Rule §285.1-Physical Exercise

Documentation is to be kept of the physical exercise and physical recreation of inmates for Commission review. Each inmate will be permitted to have one hour of supervised physical recreation or exercise at least three days per week.

  • The inspector indicated that during the review, it was noted that documentation did not indicate that inmates are allowed an hour of supervised recreation at least three days per week.

A sheriff in Texas was interviewed about physical recreation for the inmates. He says it keeps them busy, more active, and in a better mood. He said that physical exercise helps with their overall well-being. The release of physical activity quells issues with anger. The potential for violence against other inmates or jail staff is reduced.

Learn more in Part 1 and Part 2 of this ongoing series.

With the continuing goal of helping Texas prisoners held in a local county or municipal jail, this website was created. There is no intention of making accusations against organizations or people on this site.

–Guest Contributor

Written By: author image smchugh
author image smchugh