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An Amarillo Detainee in Randall County Jail Dies-Pt4

3d interior Jail

The information that follows continues the narrative in the custodial death report (CDR) about Michele Jo Allen. Ms. Allen was incarcerated in Randall County Jail in Amarillo, Texas, from August 8, 2023, to the day of her death on August 11, 2023, which is also the day when the following occurred: When additional officers arrived to Ms. Allen’s cell, they began to provide her with medical aid. Cpl. Sarver requested an ambulance. Ms. Allen was placed in a wheelchair and was taken to Medical. Emergency medical services arrived, and Ms. Allen was taken by ambulance to Northwest Texas Hospital.

A 42-Year-Old Detainee Dies in Randall County Jail on the 6th Day Continued

After being returned to the jail on January 22, 2023, Tobe Lee Fluty, Jr. continued experiencing medical issues in Randall County Jail in Amarillo, Texas. On January 23, 2023, at 10:59 a.m. Mr. Fluty was taken to medical at the request of the officer on duty in the housing area Mr. Fluty was assigned to. At 11:15 a.m. Mr. Fluty was cleared by medical, having normal vital signs. At 11:29 a.m. Mr. Fluty was returned to medical by wheelchair after falling in the hallway outside of his housing location.

In the CDR, it says that at 11:35 a.m. it appears inmate Fluty is unconscious, and lifesaving measures were started. At 11:50 a.m., Mr. Fluty is loaded on the ambulance’s gurney and loaded into the ambulance for transport to Northwest Texas Hospital. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) was being provided in the medical area and as they were loading Mr. Fluty into the ambulance.

Learn more in Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3 of this five-part series.

Providing help for prisoners in Texas municipal and county jails in the way of pertinent resources is one of the purposes of this website. Intimating that any institution or individual has been involved in misdeeds is never an intention.

–Guest Contributor

Written By: author avatar smchugh
author avatar smchugh