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An El Paso County Jail Inmate Dies in 70 Hours-Pt.4

The El Paso Fire Department and Emergency Medical Technicians were called to El Paso County Jail to try reviving Vincent Leyva. They transported Mr. Leyva by ambulance to Las Palmas Medical Center at about 11:56 AM on March 16, 2023. Sadly, despite lifesaving efforts, he passed away at 12:16 PM that day. The Medical Examiner conducted an autopsy and said the manner of death was accidental. The medical cause of death was “Esophageal Rupture. Contributing: Acute mixed Drug Toxicity (Methamphetamine, Fentanyl).”

Brandon Pacheco Calzada, age 23, Dies of Drug Toxicity in El Paso County Jail Continued

Continuing the narrative about the custodial death of Brandon Pacheco Calzada, a detention officer called out for Mr. Calzada at 5:10 AM. He was told by another inmate that Mr. Calzada was asleep and not responding. The officer entered the cell and discovered Mr. Calzada on top of a bunk. His skin looked pale and he was gasping for air. The officer requested that a supervisor and medical staff come to the floor. Medical staff arrived at 5:16 AM and administered first aid.

An ambulance arrived and medics transported Mr. Calzada to a local hospital. He was admitted as a patient at the hospital and placed on life support (ventilator). Mr. Calzada remained hospitalized until December 24, 2021, when at 9:58 PM life support was terminated and a physician pronounced Mr. Calzada deceased.

An autopsy was done, and the medical cause of death of Mr. Calzada was mixed drug toxicity (amphetamine, benzodiazepines).

Also, see Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3 of this series.

Providing help to inmates now or formerly detained in a Texas municipal or county jail is one of the purposes of this website. There is never an intention of inferring that wrongs have occurred on the part of people or entities.

–Guest Contributor

Written By: author image smchugh
author image smchugh