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An El Paso, Texas Jail is Scrutinized After a Death

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After a custodial death occurred at the El Paso County Jail, a special jail inspection was done on January 10, 2024. The Texas Commission on Jail Standards (TCJS) issued a notice of non-compliance on January 22. The jail inspection shows one minimum jail standard had been violated. Failed inspections are red flags that prisoner’s rights may be violated.

El Paso County Jail Fails to Provide Required Supervision

As part of investigations into custodial deaths in Texas, TCJS requests documentation and videos. The information sent by the El Paso County Jail in this case revealed a lack of proper supervision. Per the TCJS inspector, “while jailers made observations rounds, the jailers did not view the inmate face-to-face as required by minimum jail standards.” It is implied that the inmate referred to is the person whose death instigated the jail inspection.

How Does This Show a Violation of Prisoner Rights?

Supervision helps keep inmates safe from themselves. Research and statistics show that individuals placed in municipal and county jails are at an increased risk for suicide. Year after year, suicide rates in local jails outpace those among the general U.S. population by 3 to 1. Suicide is the leading cause of death in county and city jails.

Supervision also prevents violence between detainees. The note in this most current El Paso County Jail special jail inspection report possibly pertains to Jesus Torres. Details follow about the November 27, 2023, death of Mr. Torres:

  • Mr. Torres was 57 years old when he died in the El Paso, Texas, jail. His manner of death, according to the autopsy report, was homicide. Mr Torres’ medical cause of death was “strangulation, suffocation, blunt trauma.” Officers at the jail were told that Mr. Torres had been a victim of an assault. They went to his cell to make a wellness check. Mr. Torres was covered with a blanket and a plastic bag was tied around his head. The medical staff responded, but he did not show any signs of life.

Why is Experienced Help with Jail Neglect Important?

Proving jail neglect can be a complicated legal issue. Cases must be correctly drafted, filed, and handled so that they are not dismissed in court. The surest course of action is to seek help from experienced lawyers. In addition to our current cases, our law firm has gained a wealth of experience handling past cases of jail neglect.

Public records provide many insights into the proper handling of legal procedures or lack thereof. In a case about the death of jail inmate Maurice Monk, for example, his family made legal claims that he received inadequate medical care, resulting in his death. In that federal lawsuit, however, certain claims of the plaintiff were found not to be applicable. The court decided in favor of the defendant on those claims.

Are You Seeking Help for Possible Jail Neglect?

We may be able to help if you are seeking assistance related to possible jail neglect that occurred anywhere in the United States. If, due to a jail’s negligence, a loved one died or you suffered injuries that have altered your life, feel free to contact us today.

Written By: author avatar smchugh
author avatar smchugh