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An Inmate Dies 3 Hours After Arrival in the Arlington Texas Municipal Jail-Pt3

The Arlington Police Department in Arlington, Texas, is the agency that filed a custodial death report (CDR) on 59-year-old Bruno Mandujano Ayala on May 17, 2022. Mr. Ayala was booked into the Arlington city jail on April 30, 2022. The CDR shows that his death occurred on May 1, 2022, just three hours after his arrival.

Reuters Asserts that Being Jailed is Often a Death Sentence

Reuters discovered that details on who is dying in US county jails is information that the nation’s government makes inaccessible to the public. In response to that revelation, the news conglomerate conducted a tally of fatalities in some of the country’s largest jails. A major conclusion they reached was that jails, which have meager oversight, are places where inmates frequently die from suicide, inadequate healthcare, and shoddy jail-keeping practices.

An area that the report highlights is that standards for the operation of healthcare services provided to inmates are unenforceable in many jails. It is typical for a jail to have little to no oversight, the report claims. This issue exacerbates the reality that inmate populations are sicker now than in previous times. Mental illness and drug addictions plague county jails across the nation. This healthcare claim seems to have validation in the fact that the Texas Commission on Jail Standards (TCJS) reports that complaints about medical care outnumber all other topics of complaint about Texas county jails each year.

Learn more in Part 1, Part 2, and this continuing series.

Posts on this site are meant to help inmates in Texas jails, both city and county detention facilities. Implicating individuals or institutions in acts of wrongdoing is never intended on this website.

–Guest Contributor

Written By: author image smchugh
author image smchugh