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An Inmate Dies 3 Hours After Arrival in the Arlington Texas Municipal Jail-Pt5

DM Corridor in County Jail with inmate and deputy

At the time of his April 30, 2022, arrest in Arlington, Texas, Bruno Mandujano Ayala was behaving bizarrely. He was arrested for public intoxication and a felony warrant related to possession of a controlled substance. Mr. Ayala was placed in a padded cell in the municipal jail in Arlington. Within 3 hours, he was pronounced dead.

Jailed for Mentally Unstable Behavior

A tragic death that occurred outside of Texas involved a man with mental issues who had been working faithfully in a landscaping job for quite a while but was let go due to increasingly erratic behavior. The man with mental issues began to harass his former employer, and one day he would not leave a yard where work was ongoing. The employer called the police and made it clear that what the man needed was to be placed in a mental hospital. Instead, he was placed in the county jail.

The man who was jailed was dead within a few days. There is video evidence suggesting that he had been in handcuffs and was beaten to death as he continued to resist the control techniques attempted by guards. His death was one of four at that jail within 12 months. At the time when Reuters conducted the investigation, 2 years had passed and the man’s cause of death was still “unknown.”

Learn more in Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, and Part 4 of this series.

This website aims to supply inmates with helpful resources, whether now or previously held in a Texas municipal or county jail. There is no intention to suggest that any person or entity has engaged in illicit behavior.

–Guest Contributor

Written By: author image smchugh
author image smchugh