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An Inmate in Kountze, Texas, Dies in a Detox Cell-Pt 2

On September 20, 2021, Danny Earl Jones died at age 52 at  Hardin County Jail in Kountze, Texas. Mr. Jones had been in the jail for about 12 hours when he was found deceased in Detox B cell. He was alone in the cell at the time of his death.

Continuing from Part 1 of this continuing series, the following is more information about insights on alcohol withdrawals gained by a jail medical expert through experience.

Alcoholic Hallucinosis Rarely Occurs

In the jail medical expert’s experience, alcoholic hallucinosis occurs far less frequently than expected, based on what he had been taught in training. Through the professional’s lengthy career, he knew of only one inmate who experienced alcoholic hallucinosis. He found that there was a reason for this, considering that thiamine deficiency is believed to be associated with alcoholic hallucinosis. When inmates in the jails where the man worked were identified as being in alcohol withdrawal, they were given plenty of thiamine for several days.

An Intermediate Stage of Alcohol Withdrawal Exists

Medical reference books do not mention an intermediate stage of alcohol withdrawal, though it does exist. Instead of there being only the two known stages of mild alcohol withdrawal and severe alcohol withdrawals aka Delirium Tremens (DTs), an intermediate stage precedes DTs. The intermediate stage involves insomnia, not eating, pacing unceasingly, and tachycardia. When it is recognized that an inmate is experiencing Pre-DT syndrome, patients are treated more aggressively to possibly avoid delirium.

It is not intended on his website to suggest that individuals or organizations have engaged in wrongdoing. Posts are added to this site to provide helpful resources benefiting current and former inmates in county jails in Texas.

–Guest Contributor

Written By: author avatar smchugh
author avatar smchugh