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An Inmate in Liberty, TX, Dies After Found in Pain-Pt 2

DM County Jail 1

Scott Carl / Carl Scott was booked into Liberty County Jail in Liberty, Texas, on June 19, 2021. The custodial death report on Mr. Carl also shows that he died on September 29th, 2021, shortly after he was found in a state of pain and distress.

The Texas Commission on Jail Standards (TCJS) is in charge of operations in county jails in Texas. Preventing custodial deaths is among the goals in providing appropriate operational procedures within county jail systems. Conducting annual inspections of each county jail facility in Texas is the primary method of enforcement of minimum jail standards.

Oftentimes, jail inspection reports on non-compliant jails reveal that steps in suicide prevention have been missed or handled in ways that do not meet requirements. Such was the case in a jail inspection report released on September 27th, 2021. A Texas county jail was allegedly non-compliant with regard to seven minimum jail standards. On the report, an inspector with TCJS included a violation of a rule pertaining to training on how to prevent inmate suicides.

RULE §273.5(1) – Suicide Prevention

The rule cited states that training must be provided to staff members on how to recognize, supervise, document, and handle inmates with mental disabilities and those who are at risk for suicide. The rule also adds that staff members who handle intake screening must have supplemental training, as well.

See Part 1 and, in this ongoing series, learn details about the above-referenced non-compliance and more.

This website never intends to suggest that misdeeds have occurred on the part of persons or organizations. The purpose of each post is to provide inmates in Texas county jails with potentially helpful resources.

–Guest Contributor 

Written By: author avatar smchugh
author avatar smchugh