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An Inmate’s Death in Liberty County Jail Goes Unreported-Pt.2

No custodial death report (CDR) has been filed for Allen Robinson, though his death as a Liberty County Jail inmate in Liberty, Texas, occurred on November 26, 2022. Texas jails have 30 days to file a CDR after an inmate death has occurred. In a typical situation, the Liberty County Sheriff’s Office under the direction of the County Sheriff would be the entity responsible to file the report.

Liberty County Jail in Liberty TX Allegedly Violates a Standard Under New Construction Rules

A jail re inspection report dated May 2, 2022, alleges that Liberty County Jail violated minimum jail standards. Those standards are established by the Texas Commission on Jail Standards (TCJS). The requirements under Rules §259.124, .135 specify the amount of space each inmate must have.

TCJS inspector Wendy Wisneski signed the notice of noncompliance. The following is the basic information provided:

  • Documentation was reviewed, and it was discovered that Liberty County housed detainees over their rated capacity for 23 days total in April 2022 and continuously since April 9, 2022.

Liberty County Jail is Allegedly Noncompliant with 7 Minimum Standards

In a May 22, 2020, jail re-inspection report, Liberty County Jail – The Geo Group, Inc. was cited for 7 violations of minimum jail standards. The Geo Group is a corporation that manages some jails but most commonly manages private prisons and mental health facilities.

Learn more in Part 1 and this ongoing series.

Giving assistance to Texas inmates in municipal and county jails by providing resources that could be of benefit is the purpose of this website. Making accusations that people or organizations have participated in wrongs is never an intention.

–Guest Contributor

Written By: author image smchugh
author image smchugh