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An Inmate’s Death in Liberty County Jail Goes Unreported-Pt.3

Little is yet known about the death of Allen Robinson, who was an inmate in Liberty County Jail when he was pronounced deceased on November 26, 2022. Further details are usually available via the custodial death report that is required to be filed with the Texas Office of the Attorney General within 30 days. A news report is a source that revealed that Mr. Robinson was found unresponsive in his cell at the Beaumont jail on the afternoon of his death.

Liberty County Jail is Allegedly Noncompliant with Procedures for the Identification of Inmates

Continuing with information about the May 22, 2020, jail re-inspection of Liberty County Jail – The Geo Group, Inc., the jail was also cited for an alleged violation of RULE §273.5(a)(2) of the Mental Disabilities/Suicide Prevention Plan, which is part of the chapter on Health Services.

RULE §273.5(a)(2)-Identification

During intake screening, procedures must be followed that will help to identify inmates who are observed to be potentially suicidal or mentally disabled. This rule ensures compliance with the Code of Criminal Procedure Article 16.22 and includes a requirement to make referrals to available mental health officials.

Inspectors with the Texas Commission on Jail Standards (TCJS) found, when reviewing inmate medical files, that the screening form is not being filled out by jail staff in its entirety. The following issues were found to be incomplete:

  • Screening time
  • Comments, which are required to “yes” responses
  • CCQ match responses
  • Notification dates and times

During the 2019 annual jail inspection at Liberty County Jail, not filling out the form entirely was a deficiency.

Learn more in Part 1 and Part 2 of this ongoing series.

Providing help to Texas inmates detained in local city and county jails is the purpose of this website. Suggesting that any person or organization has been a participant in wrongs is never an intention on this site.

–Guest Contributor

Written By: author image smchugh
author image smchugh