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An Inmate’s Death in Liberty County Jail Goes Unreported-Pt.5

A news report about the November 26, 2022, death of a Liberty County Jail inmate indicates that Allen Robinson had informed the medical staff at the jail about a medical condition. Mr. Robinson was housed in a single occupancy cell, where he was discovered unresponsive at 4:30 PM on the afternoon of his death. Mr. Robinson was taken by ambulance to Liberty-Dayton Regional Medical Center, where hospital staff pronounced him deceased.

Liberty County Jail Fails Another Inspection After a 36-Year-Old Inmate Commits Suicide Continued

As mentioned previously, 36-year-old Cristian David Sarmiento was an inmate in Liberty County Jail when he committed suicide and died on September 12, 2019. It is standard procedure for the Texas Commission on Jail Standards (TCJS) to conduct a special jail inspection after a custodial death. A special inspection report dated September 25, 2019, prepared by TCJS Inspector Wendy Wisneski alleges that Liberty County Jail was noncompliant with RULE §275.1- Regular Observation by Jailers, which is in the chapter addressing the supervision of inmates.

RULE §275.1- Regular Observation by Jailers

Requirements under RULE §275.1- Regular Observation by Jailers include precise guidelines for face-to-face observation of inmates. The maximum amount of time between personal observations of inmates is 60 minutes.

  • The TCJS inspector reviewed the documentation of face-to-face observations and video evidence. She discovered that the required observations of at least two inmates did not occur for many hours. Specifically, between 8:53 PM on August 19, 2019, and 6:15 AM on August 20, 2019, the observations did not occur.

Learn more in Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, and Part 4 of this series.

Helping Texas inmates who have been incarcerated in county and municipal jails is the purpose of this site. Making insinuations that persons or entities have participated in wrongs is never an intention.

–Guest Contributor

Written By: author avatar smchugh
author avatar smchugh