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Archer County Jail in Texas Violates a Crucial Rule

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A special jail inspection of Archer County Jail was conducted on January 19, 2024. The result was that Texas Commission on Jail Standards (TCJS) inspectors cited the Archer City, Texas, jail for one alleged violation of minimum jail standards. The bed capacity in the jail is 48, which is a small number in comparison with many other jails in the state. However, Archer County Jail is as responsible as any other detention center to uphold minimum standards. The rules of operation established by TCJS for jails in Texas protect detainees, jail staff, and the public. Archer County Jail’s address is 100 Law Enforcement Way, Archer City, Texas 76351.

One Alleged Violation of Minimum Jail Standards

The breach of standard that Archer County Jail allegedly committed concerns Rule §275.2, which addresses Jailers Training and Licensing. This rule is under the heading of Supervision of Inmates. A summary of the rule follows:

  • Jailers and personnel assigned, employed, or appointed to directly supervise jailers in county jails in Texas must be licensed according to the specifications stated in another section. This rule is per the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement requirements.

How Have Prisoners’ Rights Been Violated in Archer County?

With this failure to ensure that all jailers are properly licensed, inmates come under the direct supervision of untrained personnel. This could imperil inmates in a myriad of ways. For example, a large percentage of the population in U.S. jails is made up of inmates with mental health issues.

  • According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMSA), 44% of U.S. jail inmates have a mental illness. This is more than double the number of individuals in the general population (18%). Part of the training for jailers is how to handle, document, and supervise mentally disabled and potentially suicidal detainees. Suicide is the #1 cause of death in local jails, and jailers must also receive mandatory suicide prevention training. More insights follow in the next segment.

What are the Training Requirements for Jailers?

New correctional officers aka jailers in Texas must attend pre-service training. There are several Correctional Training Academy locations, all of which offer the prerequisite 40 hours of instruction. Upon completion, supervised on-the-job training takes place at an assigned county jail or other correctional facility. As a result of the training jailers receive, they will be prepared with pertinent knowledge in the following topics and more:

  • Emergency evacuation procedures
  • Self-defense and close-quarters combat
  • Prison sociology and psychology
  • First responder training in first aid and CPR
  • Emergency response and hostage situations
  • Report writing
  • Inmate and cell search procedures
  • Improvised weapons
  • Crisis intervention

Are You Seeking Justice for Possible Jail Neglect?

You have come to the right place if you’ve been wondering if anyone cares about an injustice you suffered in jail that resulted in a life-altering injury or if a loved one died in jail due to neglect. We have a team that devotes itself to representing jail death cases. Many in our law offices have gained years of experience in handling jail neglect cases. Your concerns about possible jail neglect matter to us. Contact us today by calling or texting us or by filling out our online form. We will help if there is any way we can.


Written By: author avatar smchugh
author avatar smchugh