Archer County, Texas Jail Fails State Inspection
The Archer County jail, in Archer, Texas, recently failed an inspection by the Texas Commission on Jail Standards (“TCJS”). The inspection occurred on March 15, 2021.
The Archer County jail allegedly violated two minimum standards. First, the TCJS inspector noted, when reviewing documentation, that custody reassessments were not conducted after a disciplinary action. The standard requires custody reassessments to be conducted within 30 to 90 days after the initial custody assessment and immediately upon any disciplinary action.
Second, the inspector found that Archer County jail classification staff had not completed the required four hours of classification training. Classifying inmates correctly is critical, as improperly classifying and housing an inmate could result in serious injury or death. Hopefully, the Archer County jail will bring itself into compliance with TCJS standards and assure proper training of all of it’s jail employees.