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Are County Jail Suicides Occurring More Often?-Pt.10

DM Inside a jail cell

Statistics in County and Municipal Jails Continued

The following statistics show that overcrowding may be a factor in an increased number of suicides in local jails:

  • In Midyear 2019, among jails operating above 100% capacity, almost 13% had a suicide that calendar year, compared to 8% in jails that were operating at 100% or less.
  • Among jails with an average daily population (ADP) of 1,000 or more, there was at least one suicide in 2019. More than 35% of those jurisdictions reported 2 or more suicides.
  • Among jail jurisdictions that held half or more of their inmates for felonies in 2019, 11% had a death by suicide that year.
  • In county jails that reported multiple custodial deaths in 2019, the ratio of inmates to correctional staff was 4.6, compared to 4.4 for jurisdictions with 1 suicide and 3.8 for jurisdictions with no suicides.

Texas Jail Statistics

The average rate of suicide per 100,000 Texas inmates in local jails in the years 2000 through 2019:

  • 46 from 2000-2004
  • 29 from 2005-2009
  • 35 from 2010-2014
  • 31 from 2015-2019
  • 35 from 2000-2019

The location of suicide events in jails can provide insight into methods of suicide prevention. Those statistics will be in the next segment of this series. But there are four locations where suicides occurred from 2010 through 2019 but none occurred in these places from 2000 through 2004:

  • Segregation unit
  • Special medical unit/infirmary
  • Special mental health services unit
  • Elsewhere in the jail facility

Learn more in Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, and Part 9 of this continuing series.

Helping Texas jail detainees and their families with resources is one of the purposes of this website. There is no intention of suggesting that people or organizations have been involved in misdeeds.

–Guest Contributor

Written By: author avatar smchugh
author avatar smchugh