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Are Texas Inmates Safe in County Jails Non-Compliant with Minimum Standards?-Pt.12

DM Inmate in handcuffs

Numerous studies have shown that jail environments are conducive to suicidal behaviors. Contributing factors include diminished personal control, separation from networks of social support, and mental health resources are not always available. Jails often provide heightened isolation and privacy that increases the opportunity to commit suicide.

All Texas jailers are expected to contribute to suicide prevention, which is why training to recognize, supervise, document, and handle mentally ill and potentially suicidal inmates is required. At-risk inmates are placed in areas for heightened supervision. Instead of face-to-face observations by jailers every 60 minutes, suicidal individuals are checked on with in-person contact every 15 to 30 minutes.

Texas Jails Noncompliant with Rule §273.5(a)(1)-Mental Disabilities/Suicide Prevention Plan-Training Continued

The following are more Texas jails recently found to have neglected staff training on suicide prevention.

Goliad County Jail at 701 East End St, Goliad, TX 77963

In a jail inspection report dated December 1, 2021, the Texas Commission on Jail Standards (TCJS) cited Goliad County Jail in Goliad, Texas, for noncompliance with two minimum jail standards. One of those standards was Rule §273.5(a)(1), which requires jail staff to be trained in suicide prevention. The gist of the inspector’s notes follows:

  • A review of documentation shows that Goliad County requires jail staff to receive four (4) hours of suicide prevention training twice annually, but the training has not been provided.

Fisher County Jail at 207 E N 1st St, Roby, TX 79543

Fisher County Jail in Roby, Texas, was cited for three jail standards violations in a January 3, 2022, jail inspection report. The required training of jail staff for suicide prevention is among the specific areas of noncompliance. Details from the TCJS inspector’s notes follow:

  • The Fisher County Mental Disabilities/Suicide Prevention Operational Plan requires annual suicide prevention training, but a review of documentation shows that it was not provided during the calendar year 2021. The jail was noted for the same deficiency during the FY19 annual inspection.

Providing resources of potential benefit to Texas prisoners detained in municipal and county jails is the purpose of this website. Making accusations of wrongdoing against entities or individuals is never intended on this site.

–Guest Contributor

Written By: author avatar smchugh
author avatar smchugh