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At Age 23 a Bell County Jail Inmate Dies by Suicide-Pt.3

DM Inside a jail cell

After Tyler Thomas Ross was screened in the temporary triage area of intake by jail staff in Bell County Jail in Belton, Texas, he was placed in a temporary holding cell. Deputies went to change Mr. Ross out and move him to intake for processing, but they discovered that he was hanging in the cell. Sadly, Mr. Ross died from his injuries on July 11, 2023. He was only 23 years old.

Are Jails Proactive about Adopting Suicide Prevention Strategies? Continued

Suicidal inmates are supervised more closely than the general jail population. In intervals not to exceed every 60 minutes, jail staff checks inmates via face-to-face observations. For inmates who are deemed at risk because they are mentally ill or potentially suicidal, in addition to other circumstances, face-to-face checks must occur in intervals not to exceed 30 minutes. It is the practice in some jails to provide supervision to suicidal inmates every 15 minutes if it is deemed appropriate.

Supervision is a critical aspect of suicide prevention. It is essential that face-to-face checks are performed properly and on time.

In the next segment of this series, learn about the results of a special jail inspection at Moore County Jail involving required 30-minute observations of inmates in detoxification cells and holding cells. Also, learn more in Part 1, Part 2, and this continuing series.

One of this website’s purposes is to provide information to help Texas inmates who are or have been incarcerated in a county or city jail in the state and their families. Insinuating that a person or institution has been involved in misdeeds is never intended.

–Guest Contributor

Written By: author avatar smchugh
author avatar smchugh