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At Age 28, a Lubbock, Texas, Inmate Hangs Himself-Pt. 3

DM County Jail

A custodial death report was prepared regarding Tony Martinez, who died in custody of Lubbock County Jail on June 19, 2021. Mr. Martinez was 28 years old when he was pronounced dead. He apparently committed suicide.

When to Observe Potential Signs of a Suicide Risk

The training of jail staff members related to suicide prevention includes information about the key times to observe inmates for signs and symptoms of suicidal thoughts. During training, staff members are urged to watch inmates carefully for evidence of suicidal tendencies:

  • When being booked into jail
  • During transportation to make a court appearance for sentencing or when being transported to and from state correctional facilities
  • During the first 24 hours of confinement
  • When release from jail is impending
  • On holidays
  • When lights are out
  • There is a decrease in staff supervision

Potential Risk Factors for Suicide in Assigned Housing

  • Most of the time, suicides occur in private spaces such as single cells, mop closets, showers, and bathrooms.
  • Important suicide prevention measures include making frequent rounds, establishing meaningful and professional relationships, and not allowing inmates to cover their windows.
  • At-risk inmates should be placed in cells that have higher visibility.
  • The bedding, property, clothing, and meals that are allowed for inmates on suicide watch should be carefully monitored.

Learn more in Part 1 and Part 2 of this ongoing series.

At no time does this website intend to imply that persons or entities have engaged in misconduct. The purpose of posts on this site is to help current and former inmates detained in Texas county jails.

–Guest Contributor

Written By: author image smchugh
author image smchugh