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At Age 31, a Man is Booked into Nueces County Jail TX and Dies 4 Hours Later – Pt. 2

Clarifying earlier information, at about 2:14 am on August 2, 2021, 31-year-old Felipe Viviano Garcia was booked into the City Detention Center in San Antonio, Texas. He was moved to county custody in Nueces County Jail but suffered a medical emergency in the county jail’s sally port area. Mr. Garcia died at 6:06 am on August 2, 2021.

Continuing from Part 1 of this ongoing series, the following is one person’s allegations about his experience in a restraint chair in a county jail outside Texas. Additional information is further below.

Allegedly in a Restraint Chair for 5 Days

At the age of 41, a man says that he became agitated while he was a county jail inmate. Jail staff, as a result, cuffed him by his ankles and wrists to a restraint chair. He says that a blanket was placed over his head and he was force-fed. He was allegedly not permitted to use the bathroom and, therefore, urinated and defecated on himself. The man says that he was kept in the restraint chair for five days before being released.

Imminent Threats of Restraint Chairs

Experts on restraint chairs have warned of the potential dangers of restraint chairs, including the possibility of death. Placing a person in a restraint chair when they are extremely intoxicated can result in an overdose death. Being forced into the same position for extended periods can cause blood clots.

According to a watchdog group’s extensive research, 20 jail deaths in the U.S. within a recent six-year period were linked to the use of restraint chairs.

There is never an intention on this website to make an implication that an individual or entity participated in misdeeds. Helping county jail prisoners in Texas is the purpose of posts on this website, whether the inmates are current or former detainees.

–Guest Contributor

Written By: author avatar smchugh
author avatar smchugh