Bosque County Jail Fails State Inspection
The Bosque County jail, in Meridian, Texas, recently failed an inspection by the Texas Commission on Jail Standards (TCJS). The TCJS inspected the jail on March 16, 2022. The Bosque County, Texas jail is now listed as being non-compliant.
The Bosque County jail violated a serious minimum jail standard. That TCJS standard requires that jailers make prisoner observations at intervals not exceeding once every 60 minutes. The 60-minute checks are for typical inmates, and not those that are assaultive, exhibiting bizarre behavior, or suicidal. The TCJS inspector found, when reviewing Bosque County jail documentation, that multiple face-to-face inmate observations in the jail were not performed by jailers no less than once every 60-minutes as required by TCJS rules. In fact, in some instances, while the inspector’s report is ambiguous, it seems the inspector is indicating that some such observations were as few as 1 minute and by as many as 31 minutes overdue.
Prisoner observations at appropriate intervals, or continuous observation for suicidal inmates, are critical. If a jail fails to perform such observations in a timely manner, serious death or injury can occur.