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Coryell County, Texas Jail Fails State Inspection

DM Corridor in County Jail with inmate and deputy

Coryell County Jail in Texas has been listed as Non-Compliant with one minimum jail standard. Texas Commission on Jail Standards (TCJS) Inspector Zachary Aguirre released a jail reinspection report dated February 7, 2023. He cited Coryell County Jail for failing to meet jail standards in one area.

The address of Coryell County Jail is 510 E Leon St, Gatesville, TX 76528.

Rule §273.6-Restraints

Rule §273.6-Restraints, which is in the chapter on Health Services, found noncompliance with parts (3) and (5). In Part (3), inmates are to be observed in intervals no longer than every 15 minutes. Such observations must include the blood circulation of the inmate and the security of the restraints. Under part (5), restraint use must be documented to include, though more may be required than shown here: what were the events which led up to the need for restraints, when the inmate was placed in restraints, how their use was justified, the condition and behavior of the inmate, supervision checks every 15 minutes, and when the restraints were removed.

  • The restraint logs were reviewed and it was determined that jailers exceeded 15-minute observation checks by 1 to 10 minutes multiple times and also for up the 6 hours. There were deficiencies in details about the types of observation checks that were done. And the use of restraints did not have substantiation on multiple incident reports.

The supervision of inmates in restraints should be given priority. It is in the manufacturer’s instructions for restraint chairs, for example, that checks must be every 15 minutes. There has been sufficient evidence to show that inmates are at risk when they are in any type of restraint.

Written By: author avatar smchugh
author avatar smchugh