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Crockett County Jail is Found Non-Compliant in a Second 2024 Jail Inspection

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Crockett County Jail in Ozona, Texas, was recently added to the non-compliant jails listed on the Texas Commission on Jail Standards (TCJS) website for the second time in 2024. The first of the two failed inspections at Crockett County Jail this year was in February. After a September 19, 2024, jail inspection at the Ozona jail, a notice of non-compliance was issued on September 23. TCJS inspectors found that Crocket County Jail was non-compliant with three minimum jail standards.

The rules violated were RULE §263.56-Testing Emergency Power Equipment and two violations under RULE §273.5-Mental Disabilities/Suicide Prevention Plan in the chapter on Health Services.

Crockett County Jail’s address is 121 S. Hwy 163 in Ozona, Texas 76943. The jail has an inmate capacity of 24.

Can Jails Be Held Accountable for Preventable Inmate Suicides?

Suicide is the leading cause of death in local jails. The rules of operation, which are established by TCJS, include requirements related to suicide prevention. Jails can be held accountable for jail negligence that results in a preventable suicide. For example, if a detainee has been identified as a suicidal individual, it would be an act of negligence to place them alone in a cell with items that can be fashioned into a ligature.

Close to 90% of custodial suicides in Texas occur by way of hanging and self-strangulation. These methods of suicide cause death within approximately 5 minutes, more or less.

Since 2019, overall suicide rates in 25 states have increased by more than 30%. Within the U.S. corrections system, the total number of suicides increased from 499 in 2001 to 695 in 2019. Female inmate suicides rose by nearly 65% in the same time period. Inmates prior to their adjudication accounted for nearly 77% of all those who died by suicide in city and county jails from 2000 to 2019. More recent statistics show even higher numbers.

A Custodial Suicide in Texas is Ruled a Preventable Death

In April of 2021, a 37-year-old Texas jail inmate was placed on suicide watch, being undisputedly suicidal. Nevertheless, an officer delivered a sheet, blanket, and bag of towels to the man. Approximately 18 minutes later, the man was found hanging inside his cell. Allegedly, the tragic suicide could have been prevented if not for apparent jail negligence.

Seeking Help for Jail Neglect or Abuse?

Being incarcerated in a city or county jail doesn’t strip away your basic rights. When detainees face mistreatment, such as being denied proper medical care, it’s crucial to hold those responsible accountable.

If you’ve lost a loved one in a Texas jail and believe neglect was a factor in their death, or if you’ve suffered serious injuries due to jail negligence during a previous incarceration, we may be able to help. At the Law Offices of Dean Malone, we have a team focused on custodial death cases and bring years of experience to provide you with strong legal representation.

We are available around the clock. Reach out via phone, text, or our online form to schedule a free case consultation.

Written By: author image smchugh
author image smchugh