Denton County, Texas Jail Fails State Inspection

The Texas Commission on Jail Standards (TCJS) recently inspected the Denton County, Texas jail. As a result, the Denton County jail is now listed as being non-compliant at the TCJS website. The TCJS inspector found a number of minimum standards violations.
The TCJS inspector found that the facility generator for the pre-trial facility failed to operate automatically when power was disconnected to the facility. The inspector also determined that the main jail facility and pre-trial facility both failed the annual inspection by a Fire Marshall on May 27, 2021. They also failed a re-inspection occurring on June 18, 2021. Even after that lengthy period of time, corrections for the deficiencies noted on the inspection report had not been made.
Further, the fire alarm system in the pre-trial tower facility was inoperable at the time of inspection. Further, the fire alarm panel for the courthouse was red-tagged on August 28, 2021. As of the time of the TCJS inspection, March 8 – 10, 2022, repairs to the courthouse fire alarm system still had not been completed.
Finally, and of serious concern, after reviewing video documentation, the TCJS inspector determined that jail staff failed to conduct the proper face-to-face observation of an inmate in a holding cell. Jail staff merely scanned an electronic tag without actually seeing the inmate in the cell. This resulted in a medical emergency, which in turn resulted in an inmate death in the holding cell. The TCJS inspection report does not identify the inmate who died in the holding cell in Denton County.